How to clear/flush Google Chrome internal DNS cache

If you directly want to see how to clear/flush chrome’s DNS cache go the last part of the article.


Recently I started using Safari as my “personal” browser. In recent versions Apple did a great job and corrected most of the frustrating UX problems and since Apple is still preventing anyone to correctly integrate another browser into iOS I was already using it a lot. Plus I like to know that they are not scanning and analyzing my any single move on the web.

I was originally using Firefox but it became so slow on the mac that I ended up using Chrome. This last one is an amazing browser and it’s not a surprise to me that it gained so much marketshare so fast. However as usual with Google, the privacy policy are a bit “awkward” and “suspicious” and since I’m already an heavy GSearch/Gmail/GMaps user I decided that Google already knew enough about myself.

However I still use  Chrome as my development and professional browser. I really prefer chrome’s development console and most the best development extensions are only available for Chrome and Firefox.

How to clear/flush Google Chrome internal DNS cache

As a developer I open new hosting  and domain names, and modify existing ones, hundred of times every year. A lot of times I have to do a little bit of DNS tweaking to make things works properly. And most of the time I loose some time because I did everything right but chrome still shows me the old web server or some other nonsense.  This is happening because Chrome uses it own DNS caching system to speed up page loading. And today i discovered how to easily flush this cache! This is very simple:

  1. Go to chrome://net-internals/#dns
  2. Press the “Clear host cache” button

And you’re done! Refresh your new url and you’ll get fresh DNS records resolving.

Read more about Chrome’s various network features in its documentation.